maddy.js Annotated Source

 * Maddy object operations library
 * Copyright 2011, Kit Cambridge
 * Released under the MIT License.

(function (root, Maddy) {
  if (typeof define == "function" && typeof define["amd"] == "object" && define["amd"]) {

Export Maddy for asynchronous module loaders (e.g., RequireJS, curl.js).

    define(["exports"], Maddy);
  } else {

Export for CommonJS environments, web browsers, and JavaScript engines.

    Maddy = Maddy(typeof exports == "object" && exports || (root["Maddy"] = {

noConflict restores the original value of the Maddy variable and returns a reference to the Maddy object.

      "noConflict": (function (original) {
        function noConflict() {
          root["Maddy"] = original;

noConflict can’t be invoked more than once.

          delete Maddy.noConflict;
          return Maddy;
        return noConflict;
})(this, function (exports) {

The current version of Maddy.

  exports.version = "0.3.0";

Object::toString returns a string containing the internal [[Class]] name of an object. Function::apply and Array::slice are cached for performance. Infinity and nil are aliased for minification.

  var toString = {}.toString, apply = toString.apply, slice = [].slice, Infinity = 1 / 0, nil = null,

isPropertyOf determines if a property is a direct property of the specified object.

  isPropertyOf = exports["isPropertyOf"] = (function () {

Object::hasOwnProperty is specified in section of the ES 5.1 spec, but isn’t implemented in Safari 2.0.3 and older.

    var memo = {}, hasOwnProperty = memo.hasOwnProperty, isPropertyOf;

    if ( == "[object Function]") {

Wrap Object::hasOwnProperty in conforming implementations.

      isPropertyOf = function isPropertyOf(object, property) {
        if (object !== Object(object)) {
          throw new TypeError("Invalid argument.");
        return, property);
    } else if (memo.__proto__ = nil, !("toString" in memo)) {

Safari 2 exposes the value of an object’s internal [[Prototype]] property as __proto__. Breaking the object’s [[Prototype]] chain removes all its inherited properties.

      isPropertyOf = function isPropertyOf(object, property) {
        var original, result;
        if (object !== Object(object)) {
          throw new TypeError("Invalid argument.");

Capture and break the object’s [[Prototype]] chain. See See ES 5.1 section 8.6.2.

        original = object.__proto__;

The parenthesized expression is necessary to prevent an unsafe transformation by the Closure Compiler.

        result = property in (object.__proto__ = nil, object);

Restore the [[Prototype]] chain.

        object.__proto__ = original;
        return result;
    } else {

Use the constructor property to approximate Object::hasOwnProperty in environments that don"t expose the prototype chain.

      isPropertyOf = function isPropertyOf(object, property) {
        if (object !== Object(object)) {
          throw new TypeError("Invalid argument.");
        var parent = (object.constructor || Object).prototype;
        return property in object && !(property in parent && object[property] === parent[property]);
    return isPropertyOf;

getClassOf returns the internal [[Class]] name of an object.

  getClassOf = exports["getClassOf"] = (function () {
    function getClassOf(object) {
      var className;

Null and Undefined are not formal [[Class]] names.

      if (object === nil) {
        return "Null";

Quickly look up the [[Class]] names of primitive types.

      className = typeof object;
      if (isPropertyOf(classNames, className)) {
        return classNames[className];

Look up the [[Class]] names of objects using Object::toString. “Object” is used as the default if the [[Class]] name is not specified in the map.

      className =;
      return isPropertyOf(classNames, className) ? classNames[className] : "Object";

An internal [[Class]] map used by getClassOf. See the ECMAScript spec, section

    var classNames = {
      "undefined": "Undefined",
      "[object Function]": "Function",
      "[object Array]": "Array",
      "[object Date]": "Date",
      "[object RegExp]": "RegExp"

The values returned by the typeof operator for boolean, string, and number primitives are stored in the [[Class]] map along with their corresponding Object::toString equivalents for object wrappers.

    classNames["string"] = classNames["[object String]"] = "String";
    classNames["boolean"] = classNames["[object Boolean]"] = "Boolean";
    classNames["number"] = classNames["[object Number]"] = "Number";

    return getClassOf;

forEach iterates over an object, executing a callback function once per object member. The iteration algorithm is normalized to account for cross-environment inconsistencies. Based on work by John-David Dalton, Asen Bozhilov, Juriy Zaytsev, and Tobie Langel.

  forEach = exports["forEach"] = (function () {

The Properties constructor tests for bugs in the current environment’s for…in algorithm.

    function Properties() {

The valueOf property inherits the non-enumerable flag from Object.prototype in JScript. Properties that shadow those in the prototype chain are enumerated twice in Safari 2.

      this.valueOf = 0;

Iterate over a new instance of the Properties constructor to detect inconsistencies in the for…in algorithm.

    var size = Properties.prototype.valueOf = 0, properties = new Properties, property, forEach;
    for (property in properties) {

Ignore all other properties inherited from Object.prototype.

      if (isPropertyOf(properties, property)) {

Normalize the iteration algorithm.

    if (!size) {

A list of non-enumerable properties inherited from Object.prototype.

      properties = ["constructor", "hasOwnProperty", "isPrototypeOf", "propertyIsEnumerable", "toLocaleString", "toString", "valueOf"];

JScript ignores shadowed non-enumerable properties.

      forEach = function forEach(callback, context, object) {
        var index, property;

The context argument is optional.

        if (arguments.length < 3) {
          object = context;
          context = nil;
        if (object !== Object(object)) {
          throw new TypeError("Invalid argument.");
        for (property in object) {

Break if the callback function explicitly returns false.

          if (isPropertyOf(object, property) &&, property, object[property], object) === false) {

Manually invoke the callback for each non-enumerable property.

        for (index = 0; property = properties[index++];) {
          if (isPropertyOf(object, property) &&, property, object[property], object) === false) {
    } else if (size == 2) {

Safari 2 enumerates shadowed properties twice.

      forEach = function forEach(callback, context, object) {
        var properties, isFunction, property;
        if (arguments.length < 3) {
          object = context;
          context = nil;
        if (object !== Object(object)) {
          throw new TypeError("Invalid argument.");

Create a map of iterated properties.

        properties = {};

Skip enumerating the prototype property of functions due to cross-environment inconsistencies.

        isFunction = getClassOf(object) == "Function";
        for (property in object) {

Store each property name to prevent double enumeration.

          if (!(isFunction && property == "prototype") && !isPropertyOf(properties, property) && (properties[property] = 1) && isPropertyOf(object, property) &&, property, object[property], object) === false) {
    } else {

No bugs detected; use the standard for…in algorithm.

      forEach = function forEach(callback, context, object) {
        var isFunction, property, isConstructor;
        if (arguments.length < 3) {
          object = context;
          context = nil;
        if (object !== Object(object)) {
          throw new TypeError("Invalid argument.");
        isFunction = getClassOf(object) == "Function";
        for (property in object) {
          if (!(isFunction && property == "prototype") && isPropertyOf(object, property) && !(isConstructor = property == "constructor") &&, property, object[property], object) === false) {

Manually invoke the callback for the constructor property due to cross-environment inconsistencies.

        if (isConstructor || isPropertyOf(object, "constructor")) {
, "constructor", object.constructor, object);

    return forEach;

isEqual recursively compares two objects.

  isEqual = exports["isEqual"] = (function () {
    function equals(left, right) {
      return eq(left, right, []);

Comparison algorithm derived from work by Jeremy Ashkenas and Philippe Rathe.

    function eq(left, right, stack) {
      var className, result, size;

Identical objects are equivalent.

      if (left === right) {

0 === -0, but they aren"t equivalent. See the ECMAScript Harmony egal proposal.

        return left !== 0 || 1 / left == 1 / right;

Compare [[Class]] names.

      className = getClassOf(left);
      if (className != getClassOf(right)) {
        return false;
      switch (className) {

null and undefined are compared by identity.

        case "Null":
        case "Undefined":
          return left == right;

Strings, numbers, dates, and booleans are compared by value.

        case "String":

Primitives and their corresponding object wrappers are equivalent; thus, “5” is equivalent to new String(“5”).

          return String(left) == String(right);
        case "Number":
        case "Boolean":

Coerce numbers, dates, and booleans to numeric primitive values.

          left = +left;
          right = +right;

NaNs are equivalent, but non-reflexive.

          return left != left ? right != right : left == right;
        case "Date":

Compare dates by their millisecond representations. Invalid dates are not equivalent.

          return +left == +right;

RegExps are compared by their source patterns and flags.

        case "RegExp":
          return left.source == right.source && == && left.multiline == right.multiline && left.ignoreCase == right.ignoreCase;

All values apart from objects…

      if (typeof left != "object") {
        return false;

Assume equality for cyclic structures. The algorithm for detecting cyclic structures is adapted from ES 5.1 section 15.12.3, abstract operation JO.

      for (size = stack.length; size--;) {

This is a simple linear search; thus, performance is inversely proportional to the number of unique nested structures.

        if (stack[size] == left) {
          return true;

Add the object to the stack of traversed objects.

      result = true;
      size = 0;

Recursively compare objects and arrays.

      if (className == "Array") {

Compare array lengths to determine if a deep comparison is necessary.

        size = left.length;
        result = size == right.length;
        if (result) {

Deep compare the contents, ignoring non-numeric properties.

          while (size--) {

Ensure commutative equality for sparse arrays.

            if (!(result = size in left == size in right && eq(left[size], right[size], stack))) {
      } else {
        result = all(function (key, value) {

Count the expected number of properties.


Deep compare each own object member.

          return isPropertyOf(right, key) && eq(value, right[key], stack);
        }, left);

Ensure that both objects contain the same number of properties.

        if (result) {
          all(function () {
            return size--;
          }, right);
          result = !size;

Remove the object from the traversed object stack.

      return result;

    return equals;

stringify returns a debug-oriented representation of an object, similar to JSON.stringify. Objects are serialized according to a superset of the JSON encoding algorithm.

  stringify = exports["stringify"] = (function () {
    function stringify(object) {
      return serialize(object, []);

Converts value into a zero-padded string such that its length is at least equal to width.

    function toPaddedString(width, value) {
      value = String(value);

width < 5 only. For arbitrary width values, use Array(width).join(“0”).

      return ("0000" + value).slice(-width);

A map of escape sequences for control characters.

    var escapes = {
      "\b": "\\b",
      "\t": "\\t",
      "\n": "\\n",
      "\f": "\\f",
      "\r": "\\r",
      "\"": "\\\"",
      "\\": "\\\\"

escapable matches control characters, double quotes, and the escape character.

    escapable = /[\x00-\x1f"\\]/g, charCode = 32, escape;

Populate the escape sequences map with the corresponding control characters.

    for (; charCode--; escape = String.fromCharCode(charCode)) {
      if (!escapes[escape]) {
        escapes[escape] = "\\u" + toPaddedString(4, charCode.toString(16));

quote replaces an ASCII control character with its corresponding escape sequence.

    function quote(value) {
      value = String(value);

Walk the input string.

      for (var result = "\"", lastIndex = escapable.lastIndex = 0, index, match; match = escapable.exec(value);) {

Append the escape sequence and update the RegExp’s lastIndex property.

        result += value.slice(lastIndex, index = match.index) + escapes[match = match[0]];
        lastIndex = escapable.lastIndex = index + match.length;

Append the remainder of the input string.

      if (lastIndex < value.length) {
        result += value.slice(lastIndex);
      return result + "\"";

serialize recursively serializes an object.

    function serialize(value, stack) {
      var className = getClassOf(value), length, element, result;
      switch (className) {
        case "Number":
        case "Boolean":

JSON numbers must be finite. Infinity and NaN are converted to “null”.

          return isEmpty(value) ? "null" : String(value);
        case "String":

Strings are double-quoted and escaped.

          return quote(value);
        case "Date":
          if (isEmpty(value)) {
            return "null";

Dates are serialized according to the Date.toJSON method specified in ES 5.1 section See section for the ISO 8601 date time string format.

          return "\"" + value.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + toPaddedString(2, value.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + toPaddedString(2, value.getUTCDate()) +

Months, dates, hours, minutes, and seconds should have two digits; milliseconds should have three.

            "T" + toPaddedString(2, value.getUTCHours()) + ":" + toPaddedString(2, value.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + toPaddedString(2, value.getUTCSeconds()) +

Milliseconds are optional in ES 5.0, but required in 5.1.

            "." + toPaddedString(3, value.getUTCMilliseconds()) + "Z\"";
        case "RegExp":
          return "{\"source\": " + quote(value.source) + ", \"global\": " + + ", \"ignoreCase\": " + value.ignoreCase + ", \"multiline\": " + value.multiline + "}";

Recursively serialize objects and arrays.

      if (typeof value == "object" && value) {

ES 5.1 section 15.12.3 dictates that JSON structures must be acyclic. stringify replaces all circular references with “null”.

        for (length = stack.length; length--;) {
          if (stack[length] == value) {
            return "null";

Add the object to the stack of traversed objects.

        if (className == "Array") {
          result = [];

Recursively serialize array elements.

          for (length = value.length; length--;) {
            if (length in value) {
              result[length] = serialize(value[length], stack);
          return "[" + result.join(", ") + "]";
        } else {
          return "{" + fold(function (result, key, value) {

Recursively serialize object members.

            return result.push(quote(key) + ": " + serialize(value, stack)), result;
          }, [], value).join(", ") + "}";

Remove the object from the traversed object stack.

      return "null";

    return stringify;

isEmpty checks if the provided object is empty.

  exports["isEmpty"] = isEmpty;
  function isEmpty(value) {
    var className = getClassOf(value);
    switch (className) {
      case "Null":
      case "Undefined":
        return true;
      case "Number":
      case "Date":

Numbers and dates with indeterminate numeric primitive values are empty.

        value = +value;
        return value != value || value == Infinity || value == -Infinity;
      case "Boolean":
      case "Function":
      case "RegExp":
        return false;
      case "String":
      case "Array":
        return !value.length;
        return all(function () {
          return false;
        }, value);

keys returns a lexicographically-sorted array of an object’s property names.

  exports["keys"] = keys;
  function keys(object) {
    return fold(function (results, key) {
      return results.push(key), results;
    }, [], object).sort();

extend extends an object with the properties of one or more provided objects.

  exports["extend"] = extend;
  function extend(destination) {
    var index = 1, length = arguments.length;

Copies each property to the destination object.

    function callback(key, value) {
      destination[key] = value;
    for (; index < length; index++) {
      forEach(callback, arguments[index]);
    return destination;

map returns an object containing the results of invoking a callback function on each object member. Aliased as collect.

  exports["map"] = exports["collect"] = map;
  function map(callback, context, object) {
    if (arguments.length < 3) {
      object = context;
      context = nil;
    return fold(function (results, key, value, object) {
      return results[key] =, key, value, object), results;
    }, {}, object);

fold reduces an object to a single value by successively invoking the callback on each member. memo specifies the initial state of the reduction; each nth invocation of callback should return the value of memo to be used in the (n+1)th invocation. Aliased as inject and reduce.

  exports["fold"] = exports["inject"] = exports["reduce"] = fold;
  function fold(callback, context, memo, object) {
    var length = arguments.length;
    if (length < 3) {
      throw new TypeError("Invalid argument.");
    if (length == 3) {
      object = memo;
      memo = context;

Assume that the optional context argument was omitted.

      context = nil;
    forEach(function (key, value, object) {
      return memo =, memo, key, value, object);
    }, object);
    return memo;

some determines if the callback returns true for at least one object member. Aliased as any.

  exports["some"] = exports["any"] = some;
  function some(callback, context, object) {
    var result = false;
    if (arguments.length < 3) {
      object = context;
      context = nil;
    forEach(function (key, value, object) {
      return !(result = !!, key, value, object));
    }, object);
    return result;

select returns an object containing all object members for which the callback returns true. Aliased as findAll and filter; reject is the opposite of this method.

  exports["select"] = exports["findAll"] = exports["filter"] = select;
  function select(callback, context, object) {
    if (arguments.length < 3) {
      object = context;
      context = nil;
    return fold(function (memo, key, value, object) {
      return, key, value, object) && (memo[key] = value), memo;
    }, {}, object);

invoke invokes a method with optional arguments on every object member value. Aliased as send.

  exports["invoke"] = exports["send"] = invoke;
  function invoke(object, method) {
    var parameters =, 2);
    return map(function (key, value) {
      return[method], value, parameters);
    }, object);

all determines whether the callback returns true for all object members. Aliased as every.

  exports["all"] = exports["every"] = all;
  function all(callback, context, object) {
    var result = true;

    if (arguments.length < 3) {
      object = context;
      context = nil;
    forEach(function (key, value, object) {
      return result = !!, key, value, object);
    }, object);
    return result;

reject returns an object containing all object members and values for which the callback returns false. select is the opposite of this method.

  exports["reject"] = reject;
  function reject(callback, context, object) {
    if (arguments.length < 3) {
      object = context;
      context = nil;
    return fold(function (memo, key, value, object) {
      return !, key, value, object) && (memo[key] = value), memo;
    }, {}, object);

max returns the key of the maximum member-based computation. Member values are compared by invoking the callback on each member and comparing successive return values.

  exports["max"] = max;
  function max(callback, context, object) {
    var result;
    if (arguments.length < 3) {
      object = context;
      context = nil;
    fold(function (memo, key, value, object) {
      var criteria =, key, value, object);
      if (criteria > memo) {
        memo = criteria;
        result = key;
      return memo;
    }, -Infinity, object);
    return result;

min returns the key of the minimum member-based computation.

  exports["min"] = min;
  function min(callback, context, object) {
    var result;
    if (arguments.length < 3) {
      object = context;
      context = nil;
    fold(function (memo, key, value, object) {
      var criteria =, key, value, object);
      if (criteria < memo) {
        memo = criteria;
        result = key;
      return memo;
    }, Infinity, object);
    return result;

partition separates an object’s members into two groups: those for which the callback returns true, and those for which it returns false. partition is preferred to using both select and reject on the same object.

  exports["partition"] = partition;
  function partition(callback, context, object) {
    var trues = {}, falses = {};
    if (arguments.length < 3) {
      object = context;
      context = nil;
    forEach(function (key, value, object) {
      (, key, value, object) ? trues : falses)[key] = value;
    }, object);
    return [trues, falses];

groupBy groups an object’s members using the criteria specified by the callback.

  exports["groupBy"] = groupBy;
  function groupBy(callback, context, object) {
    if (arguments.length < 3) {
      object = context;
      context = nil;
    return fold(function (memo, key, value, object) {
      var criteria =, key, value, object);
      return (memo[criteria] || (memo[criteria] = {}))[key] = value, memo;
    }, {}, object);

curry partially applies a function, returning a function that, when invoked, calls the original function with the pre-filled arguments prepended to any additional arguments.

  exports["curry"] = curry;
  function curry(method) {
    var parameters, length;
    parameters =, 1);

Return the original function if no arguments were provided.

    if (!(length = parameters.length)) {
      return method;
    return function () {

Append the additional arguments.

      var sourceLength = arguments.length;
      if (sourceLength) {
        while (sourceLength--) {
          parameters[length + sourceLength] = arguments[sourceLength];
      return, this, parameters);
  return exports;